Kirtan Standards Resolutions

Kirtan Standards Resolutions Passed by the GBC

1. March 2014

315: Chanting of the holy names of Srimati Radharani [Guideline]

In March 2014, The Governing Body Commission of ISKCON (GBC) made the following resolution:

Whereas many devotees have expressed concern that the standard upheld during Srila Prabhupada’s presence in regards to the chanting of Srimati Radharani’s holy names and related mantras appears to be diminishing;

Whereas there have been conflicts amongst our devotees arising as a result of not having a definitive policy on this topic.

Whereas although it is neither mandatory nor necessary to do so because all personalities are automatically glorified within the maha-mantra, it is understandable that some devotees may want to emphasize the name of Srimati Radharani on Radhastami;

Whereas it is well known that no one could come before Srila Prabhupada and chant “Radhe Radhe” repetitively as he would not allow it. He always told us to chant the Hare Krishna mantra. Srila Prabhupada himself was never heard chanting “Radhe Radhe”. There is no evidence to show that Srila Prabhupada chanted or encouraged others to chant Srimati Radharani’s names in isolation at any time, including Radhastami. Whenever Srila Prabhupada was greeted with “Jaya Radhe” he always replied by saying “Hare Krishna”, even in Vrndavana.

Whereas there is risk of deviation if we do not follow Srila Prabhupada and the acaryas. Srila Prabhupada disapproved of the introduction of mantras which were not given by the previous acaryas or were not found in shastra


The following should be avoided in all temple and public programs, as well as in recorded media:

(1) Chanting of the holy name of Srimati Radharani without the holy name of Sri Krishna, i.e. Radhe, Radhe, Radhe, Radhe, Radhe. . . .

(2) Chanting of the holy name of Srimati Radharani within mantras that were not introduced by Srila Prabhupada, previous Gaudiya Vaisnava Acaryas, or in sastra, including but not limited to:

(a) Jaya Radhe, Jaya Radhe. Jaya Radhe Jaya Radhe
(b) Radhe Radhe, Radhe Radhe
(c) Jaya Radhe Jaya Radhe Radhe, Jaya Radhe Jaya Sri Radhe
(d) Radhe Radhe Radhe Radhe Radhe Govinda
(e) Radharani ki jai, Maharani ki jai
(f) Radhe Shyam, Radhe Shyam, Shyam Shyam, Radhe Radhe

On Radhastami, devotees may chant Srimati Radharani’s holy name in isolation of Sri Krishna’s name to a limited degree, not more than two or three minutes.

If ISKCON devotees want to give some special emphasis or attention to the glorification of Srimati Radharani, beyond chanting of the maha-mantra, they should do so by chanting mantras or bhajans which are authorized by Srila Prabhupada and our disciplic line. An example of this is the chanting of Sri Radhika-stava from the Stava-mala of Srila Rupa Goswami.


2. 2014

303.03 Guidelines for ISKCON temples

Section 303.03 Guidelines for ISKCON temples
Title Sound systems guideline — 2014
Year 2014, Meeting AGM, Category 5e. Guideline Presentation

Whereas the sound pressure levels produced by sound systems, especially during festivals, can produce volumes of sound that can be dangerous;

Whereas when sound systems are pushed into levels of extreme volume and distortion the sound produced is potentially less than pleasant, sweet, and attractive;

Whereas ours is a preaching movement and we want to attract people as opposed to discouraging them from listening to our sound vibrations; and

Whereas the volume of sound can be measured by sound pressure level (SPL) meters, that can be purchased professionally, or downloaded as apps for iPhone, Android, and other devices; now, therefore, be it


That the GBC Body hereby encourages ISKCON managers to monitor the levels of the sound systems in use at their centers. The sound system should be adjusted so that it sounds clear, sweet and attractive as opposed to overly loud, distorted or painful.

Whenever possible, the sound pressure levels should regularly be measured using sound pressure level meters to make sure that dangerous sound pressure levels are prevented. Such meters are available on mobile devices. (For example, dB Meter Pro on the App Store.)

According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the USA, exposure to a noise level of 85 dBA over an eight-hour work day and a 40-year working life is acceptable. For every 3 dB over 85dBA, the permissible exposure time before occupational noise-induced hearing loss can occur is cut in half.


3. March 2007

311: Kirtan Standards Committee [Action Order]

It is desirable for all ISKCON devotees to know and follow the standards of kirtana required and recommended by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya of ISKCON,
There are increasingly divergent styles and moods of kirtana within ISKCON’s ranks,
There are sometime disagreements as to what standards of kirtana are acceptable and what are not,
Srila Prabhupada at various times gave directives and guidelines as to what standards of kirtana he wanted and found acceptable, and what he did not,

That a committee called the ‘Kirtana Standards Committee’ [KSC] be formed, consisting of Janananda Dasa, Hari Sauri Dasa, Bhakti Vikasa Swami, Lokanatha Swami and Jagajivan Dasa, with consultation from Siva Rama Swami and Jayadvaita Swami. They shall formulate clear standards and guidelines for kirtana within ISKCON based on the statements of Srila Prabhupada. Janananda Dasa will be the coordinator of this committee.
The KSC will present their findings at the GBC AGM in Mayapur, 2008, for approval by the GBC Body.

4. March 2011

304: Kirtan Standards – Instruments [Guideline]

Whereas performance of kirtan in the temple and in public is a foundational activity of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness and all devotees in ISKCON, as well as our friends and the public at large, are advised to participate regularly in such activities of kirtan;

Whereas although kirtan of the holy names of the Lord is always auspicious, if kirtans organized by ISKCON are performed expertly and in accordance with the standards given by Srila Prabhupada then they serve additionally to encourage all involved in the performance of devotional service, build and strengthen relationships within the society, and in general further the society’s mission;

Whereas, there is a need for the GBC Body to provide guidance to the society as to what are the standards for kirtan that Srila Prabhupada wanted;

That the paper prepared by the Kirtan Standards Committee entitled, “Musical Instruments to be used for Kirtan and Bhajan in Temple Worship and Public Presentations in ISKCON” is hereby accepted by the GBC Body as its official guideline on the subject. ISKCON leaders are encouraged to adopt these standards in the areas under their jurisdiction and implement them where practical.
The GBC Body thanks the Kirtan Standards Committee for its work and encourages them to prepare further such papers on all other aspects of kirtan in ISKCON.
The Kirtan Standards Committee (KSC) was established by the GBC to formulate clear standards and guidelines for kirtan within ISKCON based on the statements of Srila Prabhupada, and to present their findings for approval by the GBC body. The below are the first of such approved standards and guidelines.

Musical Instruments to be used for Kirtan and Bhajan in Temple Worship and Public Presentations in ISKCON

In our analysis of Srila Prabhupada’s various instructions concerning instrument use during kirtan, we have ascertained that his instructions fall into three categories:

Instrument use during kirtans in the temple for daily worship at deity aratis, tulasi puja, and guru puja
Instrument use during kirtans in the temple at times other than regular daily aratis
Instrument use outside the temple for harinam and public presentations

Herein we will reference various statements from Srila Prabhupada in each category and draw appropriate conclusions.

Instrument use During Kirtans in the Temple for Daily Worship at Deity Aratis, Tulasi Puja, and Guru Puja.

SP Letter to Hayagriva, 17 March, 1968:
Whenever I go to the class, I remember you, how joyfully you were chanting in the temple and whistling the bugle so nicely. Whenever I see the cornet lying idle because nobody can play on this particular instrument, I remember Hayagriva Brahmacari immediately.

Letter to: Aniruddha — Los Angeles 14 November, 1968:
Throughout arati there is bell ringing, cymbals, mrdanga, gong, harmonium, etc.
The committee considered the above two quotes and others of that time frame but discounted their relevance to establishing present-day ISKCON standards, since Srila Prabhupada, in later years, gave specific instructions to the contrary, such as the following:

Letter exchange, 1975:
Rupanuga Das wrote on 30 January: The question of proper instruments for temple kirtans, particularly aratiks, has been raised. Is it that the proper instruments for temple aratiks and kirtans are only the kartals and mrdanga? Or can harmonium, tambora and tambourine also be used?
Srila Prabhupada replied on 2 February: Regarding instruments for temple kirtans, kartals and mrdanga are sufficient. There is no need of other instruments.

SP Letter to Bahudak, January 11, 1976:
The harmonium may be played during bhajan if there is someone who can play melodiously. But it is not for kirtan and aratik.

Conversation in Bombay, December 26, 1976:
Indian man: He has got one son and daughter. His family is in Bombay. One son is expired earlier. And he has got good talent of teaching Hindi, music, and tape recording. He’s such work. And she knows cooking, very good cooking.
Prabhupada: Yes, if she gives cooking direction.
Indian man: She is also quite expert in cooking. (Hindi) He plays very good harmonium.
Indian man (2): All musical instruments.
Prabhupada: No, we don’t want to introduce harmonium.
Indian man: No, I know. That is what he’s teaching at the moment. He’s doing it out of force.
Prabhupada: The other musical instrument*, if he plays his attention will be diverted in musical instrument, not to chanting. “We have to see melody, whether it is going on nicely.” But that is not good. Our concentration should be hearing “Hare Krsna”. That is… That is bhakti. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, simply this karatala, khol, that’s all. In those days… Of course, there was no harmonium, but many stringed instruments were there. Sitar, esaraja, but these things were not used. Sometimes we do use to attract, but it is not required. (Hindi)
*The “other musical instrument” Prabhupada is referring to is most likely the harmonium, as it was the topic of the conversation. Or else Prabhupada is referring to any melodious musical instrument in general.

SP Letter to Dr. Wolf, January 29, 1976:
In India the system is that people go to see the Jagannatha Deity. The Deity is not very beautiful from the artistic point of view, but still people attend by the thousands. That sentiment is required. Similarly with our kirtan we are only using drums and kartals, but people come to the point of ecstasy. It is not the ornamentation, it is the ecstasy. This ecstasy is awakened by sravanam kirtanam by devotees.

Srila Prabhupada Nectar, “Who is Challenging My Authority?”:
Palika-devi dasi also recalls that Prabhupada did not like harmoniums played during the kirtana. His comment was that it would “drag” the kirtana. Prabhupada used to say that his Guru Maharaja, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, banged the karatalas together and would only have karatalas and mrdanga played for kirtana.

HH Bhakti Charu Swami:
The instruments that Srila Prabhupada instructed for accompanying kirtana were karatal, mrdanga and jhajas (whompers). He didn’t approve of harmonium for kirtana. For bhajana it is all right.
Translation of Gaura-arati song by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura:
Conchshells, bells, and karatalas resound, and the mrdangas play very sweetly. This kirtana music is supremely sweet and relishable to hear.
Interview with Revatinandana dasa, Memories of Srila Prabhupada DVD. Vol. 1

He [Srila Prabhupada] remarked that melodic instruments, including the harmonium, are not meant for kirtana, and he explained why. He said that the ear will automatically follow musical strains, and then our attention will be diverted from the mantra.

Thus, the Kirtan Standards Committee has concluded that only kartals and mrdanga should be played in the temple for daily worship at deity aratiks, tulasi puja, and guru puja. Whompers, gongs, and similar brass instruments may also be played, as they were often used during aratiks in Prabhupada’s presence. No melodious instruments should be allowed, however, including harmonium, as Prabhupada was very clear on that point. It is permissible, however, to play harmonium during the Nrsimha-stuti, as it takes place after the arati when everyone is sitting down.

Instrument Use During Kirtans in the Temple at Times Other than Regular Daily Aratiks

This category includes:
1. Temple bhajans
2. Temple sit-down/stand-up kirtans, including 12- and 24-hour kirtans
3. Large temple festivals for the congregation and general public

SP letter to Jadurani, 26 May 1969:
Regarding your question about kirtana, practically we are not concerned with the instruments. They are used sometimes to make it sweeter, but if we divert our attention for using the instruments more, that is not good. We can accept everything for Krishna’s service, but not taking the risk of diverting attention to any other thing which will hinder our Krishna Consciousness. That should be our motto, or principle.

Discussions between Srila Prabhupada and Shyamasundara dasa on Charles Darwin, undated:
You can sing also very nicely, sing also, like songs, with tamboura. It is very nice. (sings:) Cintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa, like that, it is very nice.
In every temple there should be, one man should play on tamboura and chant. It requires nice pronunciation, and with the sound of tamboura it will be (indistinct).

Room Conversation in London, August 15, 1971:
Prabhupada: Electric guitar, if it is, they chant Hare Krsna only, nothing else, then it is all right. But as far as possible, simply mrdanga and kartal. But if GBC thinks that it attracts more people so they give contribution, that is a different thing. Otherwise there is no need.

SP letter to Bahudak, 10 November 75:
Regarding the instruments, stringed instruments are Vedic, but the real Vedic instrument is mrdanga and karatala. Anyway, you have to do according to the time and circumstances if you use these other instruments. So you have got my approval and you can go on.

From Vaiyasaki Das’ Radha Damodara Vilasa, June 1970:
Los Angeles is a hub of activity these days as many temple presidents arrive from around the movement. Kirtanananda Swami has come from New Vrindavana and also shows his skill at playing the organ before the Wednesday evening class in the sanctuary. Prabhupada is pleased to see the devotees dovetailing their propensities in the service of Krsna and wants to have more programs with organ playing.

Hari Sauri Das:
The Vrndavana 24hrs kirtan was often a sit-down bhajan-style affair, although only the maha-mantra was sung. When I was in charge of it in 1975 devotees that knew how to play harmonium did so. Saccidananda das, a Bengali brahmacari with a very sweet voice always played the harmonium, and he was specifically requested by Srila Prabhupada to participate in the 24 hr. kirtan every afternoon.

Because Srila Prabhupada gave specific instructions about not using harmonium and other musical instruments during aratis, as cited in the first section of this proposal, the KSC has concluded that Prabhupada’s allowances and recommendations in this present section refer to instruments for kirtans and bhajans in the temple at times when aratis are not being performed. Thus, at these other times, harmonium and tamboura may be added along with mrdanga and kartals. And although Prabhupada favored these aforementioned four instruments over others, at times he also gave allowance for additional non-traditional musical instruments to be used for attracting the public. Because programs for the public are not only held outside the temple but inside as well, the use of these additional non-traditional instruments can also be accepted within the temple. In addition, under the umbrella of our “public”, we are including the phenomena, not existing during Prabhupada’s time, of large and diverse congregations of devotees and friends of all ages, spanning several generations, and encompassing a broad range of commitment. It is important to note in the above quotes that Prabhupada was extremely conservative and cautionary regarding adding additional instruments to the four that he specifically advocated. If they are to be used, therefore, the temple president and local authorities should ensure that:

1. The additional instruments do not become the dominant sound in the bhajan/kirtan but support it, never being louder, more noticeable, or more prominent than the basic and traditional ones, or than the chanting of the holy name.

2. The musician does not play a solo without any chanting, or if he does so, they are just a few measures long.
3. If the musician is playing a wind instrument, it is better that he or she not play it continuously, but rather alternate playing and chanting, so as to receive due benefit from the holy name and not overemphasizing the sound of the instrument.

Instrument Use Outside the Temple For Harinam and Public Presentations

Note: In addition to the quotes that follow, all the quotes in the previous section are also relevant to this section.

SP letter to Hamsaduta, January 22, 1968:
Another proposal is that I want to form a sankirtana party in which two members will play mrdanga, eight will play the cymbals, two will play on tamboura, and one on harmonium. Besides that there will be the leader of the party. This party will be so trained that exhibitions of our chanting and dancing along with distribution of prasadam will be performed on a stage and for this performance we will sell tickets to the public. It will be known as a spiritual movement.

Room conversation, Mayapur, February 24, 1974:
Pancadravida: Do we use like a marching band in the Ratha-yäträ? If we used a marching band, a lot of people come, like a parade, like they use in the parades with trumpets and drums and all these things.
Prabhupada: I think you can introduce in Africa also. (laughter)
Brahmananda: We want to introduce in Mombasa. We’ve already been discussing it.

SP letter to Harikesa, Vrndavan, October 28, 1976
The chanting is very effective. Along with tampura and mrdanga played very rhythmically, let them chant. Perform this musical demonstration and sell books as far as possible, and feasting.

Bhakti Vikasa Swami, “Kirtana”:
In the early days of ISKCON, Srila Prabhupada allowed all kinds of instruments in kirtana. In the first temple at 26 2nd Avenue, guests even played on the innards of an old upright piano. There was no mrdanga, so Srila Prabhupada played a bongo drum….. At the Honolulu temple, Srila Prabhupada also participated in kirtanas where the devotees played electric guitars and bass guitars. Even later on, Srila Prabhupada allowed the use of tamboura and other instruments-not in the regular temple kirtanas, but in preaching programs, festivals, etc., as an attraction for the public.

Kurma das, “The Great Transcendental Adventure” – June 29th, 1974:
Suddenly the stirring sounds of bagpipes filled the air. On Prabhupada’s advice, Madhudvisa had hired a Scottish marching band to lead the parade. The Mitcham Bagpipe Band, fully bedecked with their pipes, tartan forage caps, full kilts, sporrans, and long socks set off along the road, playing a popular Hare Krishna tune from sheet music. “Scottish band, Prabhupada,” Madhudvisa announced. Srila Prabhupäda nodded, showing his approval with a broad smile.
Note: This bagpipe band was not playing along with the regular kirtana of the devotees.

Dravinaksa Dasa, Memories of Srila Prabhupada, DVD #47:
Another time in that same room there was a discussion about kirtan, the Radha Damodar kirtans that we were having on campus or on the street where we set up. Prabhupada was saying we just should use khol and karatals. At that time we had many instruments. We had harmonium, we had esraj-which was like a violin-we had ektara, and we had an instrument that had strings and you play it with little hammers. So there was a discussion where Prabhupada was saying just to use khols and karatals. And Adi-kesava said that people were attracted to the party because of the instruments, and Prabhupada didn’t seem to take that very seriously. And then Adi-kesava said, “But Visnujana said…” and Prabhupada cut him off and said, “Who is Visnujana? I am your spiritual master.” And also in that meeting Prabhupada
said that there shouldn’t be any harmonium during the aratis. And previously you hear lot of tapes of Bharadvaj and others playing harmonium. So that was stopped during aratis. And it didn’t seem like Prabhupada just wanted some expert musicians. He wanted devotees. So that was stopped, and that time the Radha Damodar party just went back to mrdanga and karatals on the public kirtans, for a while, and eventually we had a couple of instruments here and there, I had heard with Prabhupada’s permission; I don’t know for sure.

Bhurijana dasa, “My Glorious Master”:
Bhurijana: “Prabhupada, we have been holding kirtanas using guitars. Is that all right?”
Prabhupada: “Kirtana means khol (mrdanga) and karatala. That’s all.”
Bhurijana: “But it is so difficult to preach in Hong Kong. And the Chinese people like kirtanas better when they are soft and with guitars. They don’t like loud kirtanas with many instruments.”
Prabhupada acceded to my pushing and gave us permission to also use guitars in our kirtanas along with the standard khol and karatala. Our spiritual master may sometimes agree to our requests because we present them forcefully, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it is Krishna’s desire. We should be careful that our own enthusiastic vision does not cover our ability to recognize our guru’s actual desires.

The Kirtan Standards Committee has concluded that Srila Prabhupada gave the same basic instructions for outside kirtans as he did for non-arati temple kirtans and bhajans. Thus, for attracting the public, harmonium, tamboura, plus other non traditional instruments may be added. And as has been mentioned in the previous section, because Prabhupada was extremely conservative and cautionary regarding adding additional instruments to those he specifically advocated (mrdanga, kartals, harmonium, tamboura), if such instruments are used outside the temple, it should again be understood that the temple president and local authorities should ensure that:

1. The additional instruments do not become the dominant sound in the bhajan/kirtan but should support it, never being louder, more noticeable, or more prominent than the basic and traditional ones, or than the chanting of the holy name.
2. The musician does not play a solo without any chanting, or if he does so, they are just a few measures long.
3. If the musician is playing a wind instrument, it is better that he or she not play it continuously, but rather alternate playing and chanting, so as to receive due benefit from the holy name and not over emphasize the sound of the instrument.


5. March 2014

314: The Hare Krsna maha-mantra should be the primary mantra in all ISKCON kirtans

Whereas Srila Prabhupada has stressed the pre-eminent position of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra in ISKCON kirtan:

“In our temple, strictly Hare Krishna chanting should be given more importance. There is no harm in this mantra you have heard, but it is not very important. There are many such common songs composed by common devotees out of sentiment. But our principle is to stick to the authorities, and always remember that Hare Krishna is the prime authorized mantra.” (Letter to Malati Dasi, 28 January 1969);

Whereas it has been observed that it is commonplace in ISKCON kirtans that many mantras are chanted. Often the chanting of the maha-mantra occupies only a small percentage of the kirtan.

Whereas the Hare Krishna maha-mantra is the primary mantra to be chanted in the age of Kali as presented by Sri Krishna Caitanya, our previous acaryas and Srila Prabhupada:

hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare

iti sodasakam namnam kali-kalmasa nasanam
natah parataropayah sarva vedesu drsyate

The sixteen words of the Hare Krsna mantra are especially meant for counteracting the sins of the age of Kali. To save oneself from the contamination of this age there is no alternative but to chant the Hare Krsna mantra. After searching through all the Vedic literatures, one cannot find a method of religion for this age so sublime as the chanting of Hare Krsna. [Kali-Santarana Upanisad 5-6]

That in all ISKCON kirtans, the Hare Krsna maha-mantra should be the primary mantra.

Note: This is for kirtans, but does not apply to bhajans such as Jaya Radha Madhava, Nrsimha prayers, etc.

6. March 2014

315: Chanting of the holy names of Srimati Radharani

Whereas many devotees have expressed concern that the standard upheld during Srila Prabhupada’s presence in regards to the chanting of Srimati Radharani’s holy names and related mantras appears to be diminishing;

Whereas there have been conflicts amongst our devotees arising as a result of not having a definitive policy on this topic.

Whereas although it is neither mandatory nor necessary to do so because all personalities are automatically glorified within the maha-mantra, it is understandable that some devotees may want to emphasize the name of Srimati Radharani on Radhastami;

Whereas it is well known that no one could come before Srila Prabhupada and chant “Radhe Radhe” repetitively as he would not allow it. He always told us to chant the Hare Krishna mantra. Srila Prabhupada himself was never heard chanting “Radhe Radhe”. There is no evidence to show that Srila Prabhupada chanted or encouraged others to chant Srimati Radharani’s names in isolation at any time, including Radhastami. Whenever Srila Prabhupada was greeted with “Jaya Radhe” he always replied by saying “Hare Krishna”, even in Vrndavana.

Whereas there is risk of deviation if we do not follow Srila Prabhupada and the acaryas. Srila Prabhupada disapproved of the introduction of mantras which were not given by the previous acaryas or were not found in shastra


The following should be avoided in all temple and public programs, as well as in recorded media:

(1) Chanting of the holy name of Srimati Radharani without the holy name of Sri Krishna, i.e. Radhe, Radhe, Radhe, Radhe, Radhe. . . .

(2) Chanting of the holy name of Srimati Radharani within mantras that were not introduced by Srila Prabhupada, previous Gaudiya Vaisnava Acaryas, or in sastra, including but not limited to:

(a) Jaya Radhe, Jaya Radhe. Jaya Radhe Jaya Radhe
(b) Radhe Radhe, Radhe Radhe
(c) Jaya Radhe Jaya Radhe Radhe, Jaya Radhe Jaya Sri Radhe
(d) Radhe Radhe Radhe Radhe Radhe Govinda
(e) Radharani ki jai, Maharani ki jai
(f) Radhe Shyam, Radhe Shyam, Shyam Shyam, Radhe Radhe

On Radhastami, devotees may chant Srimati Radharani’s holy name in isolation of Sri Krishna’s name to a limited degree, not more than two or three minutes.

If ISKCON devotees want to give some special emphasis or attention to the glorification of Srimati Radharani, beyond chanting of the maha-mantra, they should do so by chanting mantras or bhajans which are authorized by Srila Prabhupada and our disciplic line. An example of this is the chanting of Sri Radhika-stava from the Stava-mala of Srila Rupa Goswami.

7. March 2014

316: Gender Kirtan [Guideline]

Whereas a new practice has emerged in ISKCON kirtan consisting of:

Kirtan Leader Chants Ladies Only Respond
Kirtan Leader Chants Men Only Respond
Kirtan Leader Chants Full Congregation Responds

Whereas there is no description of Srila Prabhupada ever leading kirtan like this, nor of any devotee leading kirtan like this in Srila Prabhupada’s presence;

Whereas this new practice emphasizes the bodily conception of life and our false designations as man and woman;

Whereas when such questionable chanting occurs, some devotees are uncomfortable, alienated, disturbed, or may even refuse to participate in such a kirtan, and thus the unity of our movement, even in its most core activity-sankirtan-is jeopardized


Kirtan leaders in all temple and public programs, should refrain from separating the congregation into responding sections based on bodily considerations like male, female, young, old, etc.

8.) D21 Arati Kirtan [Definition]

D21 – “Arati Kirtan” Definition
Whereas GBC resolution 304 of 2011 endorsed as a guideline for ISKCON the paper prepared by the Kirtan Standards Committee entitled “Musical Instruments to be used for Kirtan and Bhajan in Temple Worship and Public Presentations in ISKCON”. [The whole paper is here.]

And whereas this paper includes the following passage:

Thus, the Kirtan Standards Committee has concluded that only kartals and mrdanga should be played in the temple for daily worship at deity aratiks, tulasi puja, and guru puja. Whompers, gongs, and similar brass instruments may also be played, as they were often used during aratiks in Prabhupada’s presence. No melodious instruments should be allowed, however, including harmonium, as Prabhupada was very clear on that point. It is permissible, however, to play harmonium during the Nrsimha-stuti, as it takes place after the arati when everyone is sitting down.

And whereas, there is some confusion about the exact duration of the time period which is being referred to in this passage. Thus, the Kirtan Standards Committee has recommended that it be clarified.

PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTION: It is therefore resolved that in the above-mentioned paper, the kirtan being referred to should be understood as the kirtan which commences with the first offering of the arati and finishes with the chanting of the prema-dhvani or tulasi-pranama, regardless of when the final conch shell blows.

Note – Devotees should understand and observe in spirit what Srila Prabhupada wanted, that mridanga, kartaals, wompers and gongs are the only recommended instruments.

EXPLANATION: (1) What prompts you to submit this proposal?

Some devotees have a misconception that as soon as the conch shell blows at the end of the arati, the kirtan guidelines immediately change and they can bring out any instruments they want. This amendment clarifies the situation.