ISKCON Faridabad
Daily harinama in different locations in Faridabad
➢ In total 7 open air Kirtans which attracted more than 1500 people in total on different days
❖ Mahaharinama on 21st, participation 1100 +
❖ Daily morning Srimad Bhagvatam class dedicated to glories of Holy Name
❖ 1 program in juvenile centre – exclusive for 150 non adult criminals – kirtan, dance, lecture on glories of Holy name
❖ 1 round chanted by all congregationally on Sunday
❖ Community devotees went out (outreach program) and made completely new people chant 1 round of japa on beads – more than 2500 rounds chanted by newcomers
❖ 60 Kids who are part of ISKCON School of Culture and Values chanted 1 rounds of Hare Krishna Mahamntra and discussed glories of Holy Name.