THEME: 25 years and still counting…
Following is the list of ways you can celebrate the World Holy Name Festival 2021 at home, with your friends and family, in your Namahatta or Bhakti Sangha, at your centre or at your temple or anywhere else where your heart desires to share the holy names of the Lord.
This year the WORLD HOLY NAME FESTIVAL is indeed exceptional as its not only the 125th birth anniversary of our Founder Acarya Srila Prabhupada, but , yes it’s the 25th anniversary of this mega annual festival.
This festival which was first conceived and executed in 1996 and this year we complete its thundering success by celebrating its Silver Jubilee.
A true double bonanza to celebrate the event with greater joy and enthusiasm.
Important Dates of festival:
- 10-16 September 2021 for local temples and congregation
- 17-23 September 2021 wide array of online festivals
- 19 September 2021 Global Kirtan Connect (24 hours of non-stop kirtan in 24 Time zones)
- 23 September 2021 Japathon (64 rounds)
If you are affiliated to any temple or centre or anyone from any part of the world, we at ISKCON Kirtan Ministry encourage you to participate in any, but especially all of the following activities.
1) Increase your Japa: means increasing your time with the holy name and this time of the year when there are so many auspicious days lined up, what a wonderful opportunity to strengthen our relation with the Lord. Keep a track of this journey with our sadhana cards which are available on our website. Just download and jot down your daily chanting and other devotional activities.
2) Kirtan@home: No wonder that it’s the easiest process to go back to Godhead as you don’t need any planning. Simply sit with your family and friends with a pair of karatals and the bliss is all yours to experience. Do not forget to make a video and upload on your social media handles and tag ISKCON Kirtan Ministry.
3) Glories of the Holy Name: Drown yourself in the daily dose of Krishna Katha by attending the regular Srimad-Bhagavatam classes on the glories of the holy names. While swimming in the nectar you will discover that Krishna is always with you. Contact your nearest ISKCON temple where these classes are held daily at 8am local time.
4) Nagar Sankirtan: This sankirtan mission of Mahaprabhu slowly but steadily takes us back to Godhead. Let’s take this holy name to every town and village. Contact your nearest ISKCON temple or start your own team involving your friends and neighbours. Share the holy name out on the streets/parks/public places with WHNF & Mahamantra banners.
5) FORTUNATE PEOPLE CAMPAIGN: Here is your opportunity to spread love and peace and let it prevail in this distressed world. Join our loving network and chant the maha-mantra for change. For more info: fortunate-people.com
1. Organizing online/offline seminars/webinars/dramas about
- Prabhupada distributing the holy name across the world OR
- On importance of holy names OR
- Avoiding offenses/Attentive chanting etc.
2. Daily kirtan or Kirtan Mela or non-stop 50/24/12 hour Sankirtan yajna which could be broadcast on your official channel.
3. Online Inter Faith events – Invite or have online discussion with other religions/faiths for Kirtans and other holy name related events.
4. WHNF Japa Booth: Display a WHNF banner, add a table with beads and pamphlets in the temple for whole week and you are on your way to encouraging new comers to chant. Double it up as an WHNF information center.
5. Online Harinama concerts/Radio programs – Kirtan in different styles and with musical instruments for the public and various groups.
6. Media: Hold online press conferences; publish the event in local newspapers/E-newspaper/online spiritual forums.
7. Online reading groups: The glories and power of holy names from scriptures and Vaishnav Bhajanas which talk exclusively of holy name can be discussed through these groups. No matter how small the group is but to discuss topics related to Krishna, always gives Him pleasure.
8. Holy Name walks – Padayatras can be organized to nearby towns and villages to distribute holy name, Prabhupada books and Prasad. The walks could be of 1/2/3 days, a week.
9. Make WhatsApp/Telegram groups: Send daily messages/videos/quotes on holy names.
10. Inspiring short video clips can also be circulated on Healthy practices of Japa; Unhealthy practices during Japa; What is chanting; How to chant; Chanting during times of stress; etc.
11. Banners – Post Hare Krishna maha-mantra and WHNF banners/hoardings throughout the temple/city/town/villages. Download the banner in your local language from www.iskconkirtanministry.com
12. Update your temple website/social media channels with images/videos/activities of World Holy Name Festival & Fortunate There is no limit to what can be done, use your creativity and see how far you can go.
For more information on any activity please contact your country coordinator. Please check iskconkirtanministry.com/coordinators
Or mail us at: contact@iskconkirtanministry.com
YouTube/ISKCON Kirtan Ministry