After the prodigious success of World Holy Name Festival 2020, which surpassed even the wildest expectations of online viewers globally, we present you with another occasion to celebrate and spread the holy name worlwide. ISKCON Kirtan Ministry, yet again offers a space to quieten the fears of a challenging, diseased world by delving deeper and bonding with the transcendental sounds of the holy name. We bring you the season of the holy name to strengthen our relationship with Krishna.
This year is again a very special one, as its the 125th birth anniversary of Srila Prabhupada and the 25th anniversary of World Holy Name Festival. To commemorate this event as per its vision and mission, and as a homage to Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON Kirtan Ministry is proposing a comprehensive list of engaging activities for this momentous event. These would include involvement by temples, centres, individuals and groups – there will be something that would inspire each one of you given the wide range of engagements, irrespective of age, nationality, or devotee status. The usual show stoppers are sankirtans, japa retreats, glorification of the holy names and reverence for Srila Prabhupada by distinguished personalities and so much more.
This year the event spans over 15 days from 10th – 23rd September 2021. The event will comprise Adhivas week (10-16 September ) and then IKM global activities week (17-23 September ). Both weeks fall within some of the most auspicious days like Srimati Sita Thakurani appearance day, Radhashtami, Parsva Ekadashi, and Bhadra Purnima amongst others.
ISKCON Kirtan Ministry encourages each one of you to participate in this memorable event to pay tribute to the ISKCON’S Founder Acharya 125th birth anniversary, and to heighten your connection with the holy name and also to inspire others in your network.
This year is again a very special one, as its the 125th birth anniversary of Srila Prabhupada and the 25th anniversary of World Holy Name Festival. To commemorate this event as per its vision and mission, and as a homage to Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON Kirtan Ministry is proposing a comprehensive list of engaging activities for this momentous event. These would include involvement by temples, centres, individuals and groups – there will be something that would inspire each one of you given the wide range of engagements, irrespective of age, nationality, or devotee status. The usual show stoppers are sankirtans, japa retreats, glorification of the holy names and reverence for Srila Prabhupada by distinguished personalities and so much more.
This year the event spans over 15 days from 10th – 23rd September 2021. The event will comprise Adhivas week (10-16 September ) and then IKM global activities week (17-23 September ). Both weeks fall within some of the most auspicious days like Srimati Sita Thakurani appearance day, Radhashtami, Parsva Ekadashi, and Bhadra Purnima amongst others.
ISKCON Kirtan Ministry encourages each one of you to participate in this memorable event to pay tribute to the ISKCON’S Founder Acharya 125th birth anniversary, and to heighten your connection with the holy name and also to inspire others in your network.
We look forward to your spirited responses.
If you wish to offer your ideas and assiatance, please connect with us at
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